Wednesday, 25 April 2012


Overall I think creating and designing my music magazine cover, contents and feature page was a success, I targeted an audience similar to the one that would buy a magazine like Kerrang,  rock/alternative music magazine that is made up heavily of images from cover to back page. My magazine not only incorporated many images into the overall design but also a variation of similar artists which would be featured in a Kerrang issue. Also my music magazine design holds a lot of bright colours in the colour scheme just like an issue of Kerrang would.

One thing I would improve If I had more time is my contents page. I would concentrate more on the graphics, for example maybe adding effects such a drop shadow behind texts for more of a dramatic effect. I think doing that would have made the contents page more appealing to the eye.

I am very pleased with the main feature page-double page- due to the overall design of the page. I kept the page in black in white to add a little contrast to the overall magazine but still adding a little bit of colour to tie in with the whole design of the magazine such as drop quotes and titles.

Overall I am very pleased with the finished product of my music magazine.

Friday, 24 February 2012




Gender: Male or female

Age: 14 - 17 / 18 - 23 / 24+

What is your favourite grnare of music? Punk/Rock/Indie/Metal/Other

Favourite five bands/artists?
(Results of the top five: Blink 182, Paramore, Enter shakari, Bring me the horizan and you me at six)
Do you read music magazines? Yes/No

How often do you read music magazines? Weekly/Fornightly/Monthly

How much do you spend on a music magazine? £1.50/£2.50/£3.80
What attracts you to a music magazine? Main features/Exclusive interviews/Colours/Posters

What would you like a music magazine to have? Exclusive interviews/Gig-album-movie reviews/posters/competitions/news/tour dates/exclusive photo shoots/advertisements/new bands-music

What would you like a music magazine to be? Formal/informal